
How To Start Shirtless: Going All The Way

    Now, at this point, most of you reading this should either have succeded so far and now just need to fill in the cracks to completely minimize the presence of shirts and footwear in your sons’ lives, or are struggling to get your sons to adopt the barefoot and shirtless livestyle and need to get a stronger solution.     Some of you may still have sons who are resistant to being barefoot and shirtless beyond what is normal for a kid. A situation like this is not good because their avoidance can cause low self esteem and even potentially later cause body issues. To try to get rid of it, one thing to do is to say to your sons that, barring special circumstances, that during the summer they have to be barefoot and shirtless under threat of punishment. You should take most of their clothes, leaving the bare minimum of a few  shorts and put the rest into a locked place so that your boys can’t wear more than shorts without your explicit approval, meaning you have full control over when

Nipple Rings

     The biggest influence on my children for being barefoot and shirtless has been me, and the same applies to all the other sons in my town and their fathers. We all set sn example of shirtlessness without comprimise, as did our fathers. One of the ways we show this is with nipple rings. My family, at least all the way back to my grandfather, has has a long history of habitual shirtlessness and proudly having nipple rings. All but one of the fathers I know have rings, and so do I. They show my commitment to shirtlessness, and I advise the fathers reading this to get them as well. Getting nipple rings will set an example for your children who are either not old enough to get their own and will then want to get them when they're older or are of age to get them and then now you'll be in the position to convince your son(s) to get nipple rings. Along with this, nipple rings can boost your confidence as well as your son's confidence in being shirtless if you lack in it. The ri

How to Start Shirtless: Sports and Exercise

     Another one of the many invaluable steps to take is making the change to being barefoot and shirtless for physical activities. If you live in a really warm climate, and especially if you live by the ocean, this post is for you. Unfortunatly, this advice doesn’t really work for cold climates.      I’m assuming that most of you that read my blog like sports, or at least play them once in a while. I’m also assuming that this is the same for your sons as well. One of the great things about sports is that it’s perfect for the barefoot and shirtless lifestyle. Shirts vs. Skins is common and people usually all just take off the shirts if it gets too hot. In my neighborhood, all the dads and sons have a big cookout and flag football game, and no one ever goes with a shirt or shoes on. It’s almost an unofficial rule at this point. You can transfer this into your own life, when you and your sons play catch in the yard or basketball in the driveway, it’s a perfect opportunity to get you

Poll for my Readers

Hello, everyone. I have made a quick Google Form for all my readers so that I can learn a little bit more about the kind of people that read my blog. The link to it is below. This will help me make posts about more specific topics in the future. If you can answer, it would be appreciated. Loading... Enjoy.

How to Start Shirtless: In Forests and Parks

    By now, your boys are fully accustomed and comfortable with leaving the house and going around the neigborhood without a shirt or shoes. They've probably also developed some callouses too, which is good. Now, the important next step is for you to go to a forest area with hiking paths. This experience will be great for both you and your sons as it has many benefits. For one, your sons will be prepared for getting their feet dirty, which may happen frequently later on. This will also make them more comfortable being barefoot and shirtless further away from home. These are two vital building blocks that later milestones will be built off of. Most importantly, this will go towards solidifying in your boys’ minds that their feet are the origonal and best shoes. They’ll realize that they do fine without sneakers and that they are just uncomfortable and pointless.      Luckily for me, the first time I did this with my boys they were quite excited to go, rushing me into the car. They

How To Start Shirtless: At Home

    The first step for your boys is being barefoot and shirtless at home.  I never gave my sons shirts to sleep with or wear in the house from the start, so I was already a step ahead. Many of you here might have kids who don't already sleep shirtless though, and this post is for you. This can be troubling, as it blocks the way for going in just shorts for almost all other situations. As so, it is important to rectify the situation as soon as possible.      The most important thing for you to do is to go around the house shirtless yourself. If this isn't what you normally do, getting use to it might be hard at first, but you must show your children that changing to a shirtless lifestyle is possible.  A good way to do this is to sleep shirtless and then don't put a shirt on in the morning. Another action you should take is to get rid of your slippers and refrain from wearing socks or shoes in the house and instead go barefoot, also setting an example for your sons. You sho

First Post

Hello Blogger,        I think the blog title speaks for itself. I think boys shouldn't wear shirts or shoes. I grew up never wearing a single shirt or pair of shoes each and every summer, and my two brothers didn't either. We were not in possesion of much money so we didn't often buy new clothes. And if we didn't need to wear them out, we didn't. Now, I have a wife and two boys and I no longer have little money. We all live comfortably, but I still have my kids like I was. In the summer, every shirt they own is either locked up in a box or donated. The same happenes to their shoes. This lasts from when school ends to when it starts. And I never let them wear more than this during the summer, because it's for their own good. Summer, and even childhood as a whole for a boy should be spent mostly outdoors climbing trees and wading through creeks. And they don't complain or anything. In fact, they love it. Once I let them try wearing more than shorts during th