Nipple Rings

     The biggest influence on my children for being barefoot and shirtless has been me, and the same applies to all the other sons in my town and their fathers. We all set sn example of shirtlessness without comprimise, as did our fathers. One of the ways we show this is with nipple rings. My family, at least all the way back to my grandfather, has has a long history of habitual shirtlessness and proudly having nipple rings. All but one of the fathers I know have rings, and so do I. They show my commitment to shirtlessness, and I advise the fathers reading this to get them as well. Getting nipple rings will set an example for your children who are either not old enough to get their own and will then want to get them when they're older or are of age to get them and then now you'll be in the position to convince your son(s) to get nipple rings. Along with this, nipple rings can boost your confidence as well as your son's confidence in being shirtless if you lack in it. The rings force people to stop wearing tight t-shirts and go shirtless as the bulge they can create might look odd. This is definetly what has happened to my 19-year old son, who’s nipple rings mean he can’t wear tight shirts or rashguards. While this doesn’t matter now, this did when he first got them when he was 16. While my older son han not been as excited to get the nipple rings at first as he could’ve been, this wasn’t the case for my younger son. Turning 16 a few months ago, his biggest birthday present was that he was getting nipple rings, which he had been excited for since as far as I can remember. He’s extremely proud of his nipple rings, which of course makes me and my dad both happier than I can express in words. My son’s eagerness to participate in my family’s biggest tradition is one of the best things in life.

    Your sons having nipple rings will of course have numerous benefits. For one, they open you up to be able to dish out the most effective punishment that I have ever encountered. To give you a recent example, my younger son had been playing around the house when he broke a vase. As punishment, he had to clean up the vase, but first, I used a piece of string to tie his nipple rings together. They would only get untied when he finished cleaning up the vase. A few times I have even made them tie their nipples together themselves, and if it wasn’t tight enough than they would have to redo it and keep it on for an extra fifteen minutes. This is a punishment that my family has used for generations, and it will surely get your point across to your boys. Another benefit to them is the fact that that they make the nipple bigger and more pronounced. This means that it is harder to wear small shirts comfortably, which will help to steer your boys down the path of habitual shirtlessness.

    Now, for this piece of advice, this is completely optional in my opinion. While nipple rings hold personal signifigance in my family, for most other people, they do not. There are also probably many of you who might not feel comfortable with nipple rings for whatever reason, which is fine. Unlike my other posts, this is less a set of instructions and more a simple suggestion.


  1. I totally agree with you. I have long been in love with nipple rings. And since I have mines done more than a year a go, they actually made me go shirtless more often.

  2. I agree, and my son has nipple rings. He's 16 and if he does something wrong I make him tie a chain together. I also pull on them when he is acting out, i make him lift 10 pound weights with them attached. The chain comes off when he learns his lesson, his nipples are sore afterwards and makes him think twice before engaging in awful decisions.

    1. Very happy to see other fathers who understand the benefits of nipple rings. And I definitely agree on the effectiveness of using weights, I can remember how sore my nipples would be when I was young after my father punished me with push-ups while having weights on my nipples. Nothing makes you learn your lesson better than that.

    2. that form Of punishment Should Be a Last Resort!

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  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I agree about nipple rings. For me it's a statement that as a man I am not ashamed of being shirtless in public.

  5. You're totally right about how you can use the nipple rings for highly effective punishment. I have a practice in my house where whenever one of my sons doesn't do one of their chores when they're supposed to, they then have to put weights on their nipple rings and have to keep wearing them until they finish the chore. Since I started using it, they are much better with doing their chores on time since they'd rather just get the chores over with to avoid having sore nipples

    1. I will go with this the next time my kid acts out, any advice on the best way to go about it? Like make him do exercises while they are on? I'm new to the practice lol.

  6. I'm a dad who has a 17 year old son who got rings for himself a bit ago. He really loves them but can of course cause a bit of trouble himself, I'll probably try this punishment for next time, I got strings and weights ready as some said above that they use. I even warned him if he got into trouble again then I would tie weights across his nipples for a good 20 or so minutes while he corrects his mistakes. That or he can get his game systems taken away for the whole year lol, up to him I suppose.

  7. wearing nipple rings should be a chosen pleasure. but what i read here is just torture or pure sadism. What sort of fathers are you ?

    1. Yeah I never went through with it, what should be disciplinary is just hurting the kid all around. I found a way to set him straight through talking and therapy, I hope others here do the same, but the rings can still be fun by itself and not hurting the kid.


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