How To Start Shirtless: Going All The Way

    Now, at this point, most of you reading this should either have succeded so far and now just need to fill in the cracks to completely minimize the presence of shirts and footwear in your sons’ lives, or are struggling to get your sons to adopt the barefoot and shirtless livestyle and need to get a stronger solution.

    Some of you may still have sons who are resistant to being barefoot and shirtless beyond what is normal for a kid. A situation like this is not good because their avoidance can cause low self esteem and even potentially later cause body issues. To try to get rid of it, one thing to do is to say to your sons that, barring special circumstances, that during the summer they have to be barefoot and shirtless under threat of punishment. You should take most of their clothes, leaving the bare minimum of a few  shorts and put the rest into a locked place so that your boys can’t wear more than shorts without your explicit approval, meaning you have full control over when and where they can wear shirts or shoes. If they continually resist, you may even need to take extreme measures, such as taking all of your sons’ shirts and footwear, then donating them all. Most kids have grown out of their old clothes by the start of the school year anyway, so it to apply this regiment of being barefoot and shirtless. Luckily I never needed to use this on my boys, and my younger son even wanted to donate most of his shirts and shoes. Conveniently, he is growing so quick that we pretty much need to buy him new clothes at the start of each school year, so it works out. This approach isn’t something you should just jump to immediatly however, as it can cause a decent amount of negative tension. One great way to lessen the chance of it though is to avoid seeming like a hypocrite and stay barefoot and shirtless at home as well. This will help show your sons that what you’re doing is in their best interests. If they feel that you don’t need a shirt or shoes, they are more likely to feel they don’t either.

     Another thing that you can do to really push this is to get your sons to take summer jobs that are commonly done barefoot and shirtless. While my older son during the summer works at McDonalds (although in the hottest part of the summer, his boss lets the cashiers work shirtless because the “no shirt, no shoes, no service” rule is completely ignored by pretty much everyone that goes there), my younger son is in training to be a lifeguard and plans to start as soon as he’s old enough. This means that he can continue his lifestyle of staying barefoot and shirtless for sometimes up to two straight weeks at a time during the summer. This is really important, as your boys getting a job like being a lifeguard means that they can often spend their entire day barefoot and shirtless, which will make them increasingly more comfortable.

    My last piece of advice is that during the warmer half of the year, you should outright ban your sons from wearing socks. There are many reasons why you should do this. For one, the socks are pointless. If some kind of footwear is needed, shoes alone can do the job perfectly fine. The socks will only make your sons’ feet hotter, which will make their shoes smell more. Your sons’ feet not being as warm will also make them feel more comfortable, which a big part of the barefoot and shirtless lifestyle. As well, no socks means cutting down on laundry, which is always a good thing. Both of these reasons are good to use as reasons to tell your children when you make it mandatory. But drawing from my knowledge on boys, you will have no problem convincing them to not wear socks anyway.

   With these measures, and anything else you might think is good to do, you will hopefully get the results you want.


  1. The whole locking the kids clothes up/donating them all thing? Yeah, that's considered child abuse in many states, including mins. If they dont want to go shirtless, why do you need to force them so hard? People have their own opinions.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. how do i go shirtless

    3. Bob - just take off your shirt and feel free! Sleep shirtless, walk around at home shirtless and excercise shirtless.

    4. I have to agree with Anonymous here, the best way is just for you to go for it and start being shirtless whenever you feel like it. You might feel nervous to do so, but once you finally take the plunge it will become incredibly easy to do so the next time you do it. You may also eventually get some pushback on being shirtless in certain scenarios, but setting ground rules on when you can and can’t be shirtless is a good thing, as it will give you the confidence to be shirtless in the situations you are allowed to do so in

    5. Not in US. Even on many countries. But mine, most of the boys don't have much shirts

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  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think boys should decide and know when to be shirtless and when not to be. It's a matter of opinion too. If I had a son I would not make him take off his shirt I just let him know it's okay and show by example it's no big deal. It's totally normal and can be nice from time to time to go shirtless. There's an appropriate time and place for it and not an appropriate time and place for it. It's called common sense. But it does help build self-confidence and helps with any body issues. It's a relaxed way to chill that's accepted by anybody in all regions. He should feel safe and comfortable in his own skin.

    1. yes, this should be correct
      but in my opinion, i like to be shirtless

  4. As a boy I'm 31 I think if it's appropriate to be shirtless then so be it. When you need a shirt to wear a shirt. Example: when not to be shirtless. At school, work, around the company, and when it's cold outside. When it's appropriate is when your swimming at a public pool, at the beach, at home, in the yard, hanging with male friends, and anytime you feel like you don't need one. Like if it's hot outside. Spring and Summertime. Plus you notice results when working out.

    1. Yes to all those! Working out shirtless inspires you and it''s healthier anyway.

  5. My first experience of a shirt free life was compulsory shirtless PE at High School in the late 1980s. The girls would always get a good eyeful encouraged by their female PE teacher. Our Kit of short 1980s Polyester shorts covered very little.
    We also did XC like that. This involved running through town. Which delighted a few given the wolf whistling when we were seniors.
    The exposure helped drive my determination to reach peak physical fitness in my teens.
    I have maintained a high level of physical fitness since.
    That tough PE teacher's order of "Shirts of boys" may have added a few years to my life, I hope!!

    1. ”Just like a snake sheds its skin in the warmer months”. I lose my shirt.

  6. My first experience of a shirt free life was compulsory shirtless PE at High School in the late 1980s. The girls would always get a good eyeful encouraged by their female PE teacher. Our Kit of short 1980s Polyester shorts covered very little.
    We also did XC like that. This involved running through town. Which delighted a few given the wolf whistling when we were seniors.
    The exposure helped drive my determination to reach peak physical fitness in my teens.
    I have maintained a high level of physical fitness since.
    That tough PE teacher's order of "Shirts of boys" may have added a few years to my life, I hope!!

    1. Same as you Cal, my first shirtless experiences came about through PE - also late 1980s in fact! My PE teacher divided the boys into shirts or skins and the second group had to do the class in white shorts only. I felt nervous at first but it soon dawned on me I'd better put in the effort to get myself in shape if my body was going to be on display! We didn't have a shirtless kit for cross country as you did but there were occasions when the teacher made me run in skins.
      Looking back I think this really helped with discipline and certainly got me used to the idea of doing sports and exercise shirtless. Many boys won't experience this at home so it's important schools make it compulsory for them to do it in PE.

    2. Agree, there's too much guilt about body image, but taking off the shirt makes you work harder to be fit. Was a good experience in PE. Thing is now, you might get in trouble requiring it in schools since there is so much sensitivity about this stuff, and guys don;'t even shower after PE anymore.

  7. I got use to being shirtless playing team sports in school because if you are on the skins team, you had to play shirtless for team identity.

  8. Shoes WILL give you Blisters WI'thOUt Socks

  9. Boss must not have AC if he or She allows his or her cashiers AND Other employees to Work ShriITLess

  10. It is legally required in the USA in ALL STATES for a parent to provide their children with:
    1. Food
    2. Shelter
    3. Clothing
    You have failed #3. I don't care if your kids don't even want them but there needs to always be clothes around. You said so yourself at the first post that you have a lot of money. Buy them shirts, ok?!

    1. they have Shirts for schooL,When its Cold Outside, and WOrk. so technically they haven't faileD #3

  11. I agree, being shirtless feels awesome and is much more comfortable. I am going to try and start being shirtless when it gets warmer. Thanks for the tips 👊🏻

  12. In Florida where I live, it is almost child abuse not to encourage your sons to play outdoors shirtless. Nearly all boys go shirtless at least some of the time. You don't want your kid getting picked on for being different. However, shirtless training is best started when the boy is a toddler. The important thing is to make sure you closely watch them so that they don't get burned by the sun. Using sunscreen just isn't practical. I suggest telling them to stay in the shade until their skin darkens. Of course they will sneak out in the sun when they think you aren't looking. So as they get older, they can wear a shirt for school, church, etc, but encourage them to change into just shorts in order to keep their non-play clothes clean.

  13. The least i ever worked in was a Muscle shirt, shorts and flip flops, when i washed dishes in a hotel. I cant imagine any job outside of obvious ones like in a indoor pool or at the beach, were you can be barefoot and shirtless during work.

  14. As a parent you should encourage your sons to be shirtless, not force it. The child should decide what level of shirtlessness he's comfortable with. Punishing them for refusing to go shirtless is extreme.


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