How To Start Shirtless: At Home

    The first step for your boys is being barefoot and shirtless at home.  I never gave my sons shirts to sleep with or wear in the house from the start, so I was already a step ahead. Many of you here might have kids who don't already sleep shirtless though, and this post is for you. This can be troubling, as it blocks the way for going in just shorts for almost all other situations. As so, it is important to rectify the situation as soon as possible.

     The most important thing for you to do is to go around the house shirtless yourself. If this isn't what you normally do, getting use to it might be hard at first, but you must show your children that changing to a shirtless lifestyle is possible.  A good way to do this is to sleep shirtless and then don't put a shirt on in the morning. Another action you should take is to get rid of your slippers and refrain from wearing socks or shoes in the house and instead go barefoot, also setting an example for your sons. You should make both of these actions apparent to them so that they are fully aware of your avid support of it. Try being shirtless as much as possible during the times that they are around and do activities that were previously done with a shirt and or shoes, only without them. For example, take off your shirt when mowing the lawn or doing other chores. If they call atention to it, tell your sons that being shirtless and barefoot feels better and is healthy so they will see it in a positive light. Children are very much impressionable and boys also often times emulate their fathers, so your sons will then want to go arond the house in just shorts. Likely however is your sons may not follow in your footsteps and will need encouragement. This is important to do, even if they follow you instantly. But living the lifestyle yourself isn't enough, as they may not adopt your habits.

    The next step is to then start bringing the idea further. During the summer months, you will have an opportunity to tell your sons they should skip the shirt so they won't overheat. Remember to not be too forceful, but still be firm and clear in your wishes so they will get the message completely. Your sons will most likely follow what you say, but there is the chance they won't. If this happens, tell them they have to as it is for their health. They will thank you later for it. After this, it is important to get your sons to stay shirtless in the morning as long as possible. Tell them that they can go to breakfast shirtless and that they don't need to put on a shirt until they have somewhere to go. If needed, tell them that you don't want them to spill anything on a clean shirt if they need extra reason. This will ultimately lead to them spending more and more time shirtless in the house, and around familiar people. Also get them to do any inside activities shirtless and barefoot. And getting your sons to this point is crucial, as it will help adjust them to being shirtless around strangers, and will prepare them for being shirtless outside.

    Finally once you've gotten your sons hooked, you need to cement the progress. A good idea is a family contract of some sort that states that they can go in just shorts anytime unless you tell them not to. Once enacted, you should donate their slippers, sandals or whatever indoor footwear they have. The same should be done with their pajamas if they have any. This will absolutely prevent them from going back, and as well will show that the old way is bad. And with all these steps, hopefully your sons will start their way to a shirtless and barefoot life.


  1. This is really good and I wish I could do this (I am the son ) but no-one is ever shirtless in my house and I'm going to have to wait till I move out . I already know I like it because I'm shirtless when my parents are not here . Any tips on how to be shirtless more

    1. I am in the same boat as you

    2. While you could try to be shirtless more often by going out and doing activities that someone would commonly do shirtless like going to the beach or playing basketball, the much better option in my opinion is to just go shirtless more at home. It can be a little daunting, but even starting small like not putting on a shirt right away after taking a shower will give you the confidence to ho further and further until you get to the point where you’ll be able to be shirtless all day and nobody will bat an eye.
      Hope this helps

  2. Single Dad with two teenage boys. I've always been shirtless and barefoot since I can remember. And it was just natural for us to be comfortable in our own skin where ever we go. Now that they're teens they're appreciating thier abs and like the attention they get. We've always been naturally thin guys and they've had their abs since forever.

    1. I am glad that your boys are able to reap the benefits of the self-confidence brought by being frequently shirtless.

  3. Am shirtless in the house once in a blue moon never really in 12

  4. Whenever my family is out, I like to be shirtless or even strip to underwear. But I am private about my body around my family. When I am with people I don't know, I don't mind to be shirtless.

  5. I believe that being barefoot and shirtless has its benefits and it feels so good too. I would encourage my sons if I had any to lead a barefoot and shirtless life as I would do the same. I would lead by example and go barefoot and shirtless a lot. The only time I would wear a shirt is around company and going out. But I feel comfortable being barefoot and shirtless at home and my mom doesn't care. I wear shirts in winter but come spring and summer I lose my shirt like a snake sheds its skin in the warmer months. It's up to boys rather they feel comfortable and want to be barefoot and shirtless or not. Either way is fine and everyone should feel comfortable in their skin. The human body is a work of art and should be respected. God bless all of God's creatures.

  6. At the age of 10 my dad asked me to be shirtless. But I didn't start. He ignored. But at the age of 11 he took my all shirts that I wore for night and make me just sleep in boxers. But I'm not a fan at the beginning. then he make me go shirtless all the way. even we have visitors me and dad is shirtless. He locked up my shirts and gave me a shirt when only it is nesecery. By the time I realize being shirtless is much better and most of the boys don't wear much shirts. And now no one can't make me wear a shirt. me and dad is shirtless 24x7 even on the dining table sometimes. Whenever we come home we took off our shirts(sometimes I take off when we are inside the car). In street or wherever our neighbors uncle and son is also shirtless all the time.

  7. When I was growing up my father never wore a shirt in the summer and my mother approved. She even suggested I take my shirt off when I was about 5 so I felt support from both parents, which helped a lot. As I grew older I never wore a shirt in the summer unless it was absolutely essential. My wife approved whole-heartedly. I went to all the stores without a shirt and never got a reprimand. In fact days would pass and I wouldn't wear one. Driving the car or taking a bus also. A great feeling of freedom!

  8. For my wife and me, our sons (and daughter, actually) going shirtless was about freedom. We would never force the issue. But how we handled them as toddlers seemed to influence the paths they took as they got older. With our first son, we always made sure he was clothed and bundled up. When he got older he rarely went shirtless except when swimming. Our second son didn't want to wear clothes most of the time from about six months on and we didn't prevent him from shedding his clothes; we just let him run around in his diaper or naked. When he got older, he practically lived shirtless. The we had a daughter and she also didn't like wearing many clothes (which got interesting starting about the time she turned nine). Both the younger son and daughter were healthier ( a lot fewer instances of the cold and the flu) than our older son and the amount of laundry for both ot them was about half that of our older son. We did have to watch out for sunburn (maximum SPF all the time - they still got tanned but they got it very gradually and without ever getting red) but they also became not only tolerant of the cold but embraced it. They both slept shirtless and without covers (contributed to the smaller amount of laundry) and they could sleep like that even with temperatures in the 60s. We feel it does lead to healthier lifestyles both mentally and physically which makes up for the occasional issues you have to deal with in a society that tends to be prudish and way over-focussed on clothing. We were glad they had the opportunity to enjoy the freedom of less clothing when they were young as that same level of freedom is generally not available to them as adults.


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