First Post

Hello Blogger,

       I think the blog title speaks for itself. I think boys shouldn't wear shirts or shoes. I grew up never wearing a single shirt or pair of shoes each and every summer, and my two brothers didn't either. We were not in possesion of much money so we didn't often buy new clothes. And if we didn't need to wear them out, we didn't. Now, I have a wife and two boys and I no longer have little money. We all live comfortably, but I still have my kids like I was. In the summer, every shirt they own is either locked up in a box or donated. The same happenes to their shoes. This lasts from when school ends to when it starts. And I never let them wear more than this during the summer, because it's for their own good. Summer, and even childhood as a whole for a boy should be spent mostly outdoors climbing trees and wading through creeks. And they don't complain or anything. In fact, they love it. Once I let them try wearing more than shorts during the summer, and they almost immediatley took it back off, as they both thought it didn't feel good. As toddlers they each only had one or two shirts, and a single pair of shoes. They never needed them, as it never got cold. And since they didn't go to school yet, basically all of their time was spent in just shorts. This is how it should be. When the time came for them to dress themselves, I told them that they could only wear a shirt or shoes when they really needed to, and that it was bad if they wore them otherwise. They didn't even neet to be told, as they never put on any of it until it was time for school, and took it all off the second they got home. Many other fathers in my neighborhood are the same, and their boys never wear it either. This applies for them everywhere as well. Walking to friends houses, playing at the park, even going to the store, the don't wear it. And everyone is fine with it, we've never had any problems. But a large amount of their time is spent exploring in the woods behind our house. And they live how boys should live, carefree and happy. And I made this blog so hopefully other people will see it and give their sons a real good childhood.


  1. Why is it so important for you for your boys to be shirtless? I don't quite understand why it's an issue in the first place

    1. Hey, I think some people feel boys should be able to express themselves and perhaps even shirtless. But I wouldn't push it on my son if I had one.

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  3. The question is what is meant with shorts. Boxers, briefs or cargo shorts? Wearing Cargo shorts without any underwear may cause damage to their skin.

  4. Growing up naked solved most of the embarrassment issues. Always annoying having to wear them most places.


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