
Showing posts from July, 2019

How To Start Shirtless: Going All The Way

    Now, at this point, most of you reading this should either have succeded so far and now just need to fill in the cracks to completely minimize the presence of shirts and footwear in your sons’ lives, or are struggling to get your sons to adopt the barefoot and shirtless livestyle and need to get a stronger solution.     Some of you may still have sons who are resistant to being barefoot and shirtless beyond what is normal for a kid. A situation like this is not good because their avoidance can cause low self esteem and even potentially later cause body issues. To try to get rid of it, one thing to do is to say to your sons that, barring special circumstances, that during the summer they have to be barefoot and shirtless under threat of punishment. You should take most of their clothes, leaving the bare minimum of a few  shorts and put the rest into a locked place so that your boys can’t wear more than shorts without your explicit approval, meaning you have full control over when