
Showing posts from June, 2017

How To Start Shirtless: At Home

    The first step for your boys is being barefoot and shirtless at home.  I never gave my sons shirts to sleep with or wear in the house from the start, so I was already a step ahead. Many of you here might have kids who don't already sleep shirtless though, and this post is for you. This can be troubling, as it blocks the way for going in just shorts for almost all other situations. As so, it is important to rectify the situation as soon as possible.      The most important thing for you to do is to go around the house shirtless yourself. If this isn't what you normally do, getting use to it might be hard at first, but you must show your children that changing to a shirtless lifestyle is possible.  A good way to do this is to sleep shirtless and then don't put a shirt on in the morning. Another action you should take is to get rid of your slippers and refrain from wearing socks or shoes in the house and instead go barefoot, also setting an example for your sons. You sho