
Showing posts from May, 2017

First Post

Hello Blogger,        I think the blog title speaks for itself. I think boys shouldn't wear shirts or shoes. I grew up never wearing a single shirt or pair of shoes each and every summer, and my two brothers didn't either. We were not in possesion of much money so we didn't often buy new clothes. And if we didn't need to wear them out, we didn't. Now, I have a wife and two boys and I no longer have little money. We all live comfortably, but I still have my kids like I was. In the summer, every shirt they own is either locked up in a box or donated. The same happenes to their shoes. This lasts from when school ends to when it starts. And I never let them wear more than this during the summer, because it's for their own good. Summer, and even childhood as a whole for a boy should be spent mostly outdoors climbing trees and wading through creeks. And they don't complain or anything. In fact, they love it. Once I let them try wearing more than shorts during th