
Showing posts from May, 2018

How to Start Shirtless: Sports and Exercise

     Another one of the many invaluable steps to take is making the change to being barefoot and shirtless for physical activities. If you live in a really warm climate, and especially if you live by the ocean, this post is for you. Unfortunatly, this advice doesn’t really work for cold climates.      I’m assuming that most of you that read my blog like sports, or at least play them once in a while. I’m also assuming that this is the same for your sons as well. One of the great things about sports is that it’s perfect for the barefoot and shirtless lifestyle. Shirts vs. Skins is common and people usually all just take off the shirts if it gets too hot. In my neighborhood, all the dads and sons have a big cookout and flag football game, and no one ever goes with a shirt or shoes on. It’s almost an unofficial rule at this point. You can transfer this into your own life, when you and your sons play catch in the yard or basketball in the driveway, it’s a perfect opportunity to get you