
Showing posts from April, 2018

Poll for my Readers

Hello, everyone. I have made a quick Google Form for all my readers so that I can learn a little bit more about the kind of people that read my blog. The link to it is below. This will help me make posts about more specific topics in the future. If you can answer, it would be appreciated. Loading... Enjoy.

How to Start Shirtless: In Forests and Parks

    By now, your boys are fully accustomed and comfortable with leaving the house and going around the neigborhood without a shirt or shoes. They've probably also developed some callouses too, which is good. Now, the important next step is for you to go to a forest area with hiking paths. This experience will be great for both you and your sons as it has many benefits. For one, your sons will be prepared for getting their feet dirty, which may happen frequently later on. This will also make them more comfortable being barefoot and shirtless further away from home. These are two vital building blocks that later milestones will be built off of. Most importantly, this will go towards solidifying in your boys’ minds that their feet are the origonal and best shoes. They’ll realize that they do fine without sneakers and that they are just uncomfortable and pointless.      Luckily for me, the first time I did this with my boys they were quite excited to go, rushing me into the car. They